What's going on at the Parlin School?

On Monday, September 17th, the Everett School Committee held a meeting which started with a 30 minute presentation on the Action Plan for the Parlin School. According to their assessment of the students Dibels, iReady and MCAS scores, student achievement at all levels is stagnating or decreasing. This plan consisted of four major pillars including Time on Learning, BSRI implementation, Special Education Priorities, and Safety and Security. View the full meeting below.

To view the entire video go below.

Throughout the last several months, the Parlin School has been through significant turmoil. The mismanagement of the school has resulted in large class sizes, retaliation against teachers and substantial turnover. Announced on the last day of school or during the summer, 23 teachers at the Parlin School were reassigned, 14 of those moved to a different school entirely. Thirteen teachers were non-renewed and 6 more resigned.

There are currently multiple grievances filed and Unfair Labor Practice charges filed regarding these issues.

The Parlin now boasts, on average, the largest class sizes in the district. The average class size for grades K-6 is 28-30 students with some as high as 32. Specialist classes have been reduced which cause classes to be doubled, with sizes as high as 44. One fifth grade class has 31 students with 11 special education students. In addition, 7th and 8th grade ELL classes are over 30 students. Several general curriculum classes are pushing 32 students and these numbers are expected to grow as ELL students move into general education classes. According to the DESE District Profile, 33% of students are English Language Learners and 77% are considered High Needs.

The ETA supports all the Parlin teachers and know they are dedicated educators who give the best to their students every day.

Everett Teacher's Association